Bipolar disorder

by Krishna

I hear voices in my ears is this a symptom of bipolar disorder?

Ben's Answer:

Hearing "voices" coming from an apparent outside source can be a symptom of mania, but more specifically "psychosis" (which may be part of a manic episode). Psychotic symptoms, such as hallucinations or delusions, can be present during mania as well as a major depressive episode, and also may be a symptom of schizophrenia. Those symptoms can also be caused by neurological injuries (head injury, or exposure to toxins). And can also be triggered by extreme stress, sleep deprivation, or psychological trauma.

And for a smaller number of people experiencing such things, it may actually be a psychic experience that has nothing to do with psychosis at all. However that is an unpopular view, and frankly can be a bit risky for someone if in fact they are experiencing psychosis/hallucinations. If you hear voices telling you negative, harmful, critical, or destructive things, it is usually best to first assume this is your own subconscious mind, and seek help from a qualified therapist.

If the voices you hear are telling you things of a positive, loving, compassionate nature, then I'd suggest writing down what you hear in a journal. You still may want to talk to a therapist, or spiritual counselor, but you may be receiving something of value that should be pondered.

Take Care,
Ben Schwarcz, MFT
Santa Rosa Psychotherapist

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